It can be downloaded to a cell phone, tablet or computer in seconds. K1 Mercury Outboard Decals, Find Outboard sticker replicas to replace those Old faded decals, most decals are obsolete or discontinued. Most all Department Stores, Hardware Stores and some Auto Parts Stores sold these outboards, at one time or another. For a time in the 1950's, Gale was the world's largest producer of outboard motors. Mercury offers the most-complete line of outboard power, for fishing boats and speed boats, for pontoons and tenders, for work and for play. For engines built prior to 2006, contact any Mercury Marine dealer. Paid personal property tax receipt or a statement of non-assessment Displaying the Registration Number and Validation Decals.We do not necessarily endorse these sites but provide them on ours as a convenience to help you repair.

Whether it's a 1940 K-1 or a 1979 Merc 2000, the identification of a Mercury Kiekhaefer outboard motor depends more on the Model Number than on any other factor, including appearance.
Mercury 115HP PDF Service Repair Manuals. # Description Container Size Mercury Part Number Quicksilver Part Number 115 Premium Plus 2 Cycle TC-W3 Outboard Oil 1 US qt (0. A wiring diagram is a streamlined traditional photographic depiction of an electric circuit. All Mercury outboard engines either have an identification tag or an instruction plate that contains the serial number.
The frame serial number is found on or near the stern bracket, stamped into a metal plate. In these cases, field offices can accept the completed. We are Australian owned and operated and supply aftermarket outboard spare parts to the recreational and commercial boating industry.

If it was just the word Mercury I might think it was customized text, but the line below it is the same style (Electronic Fuel Injection). Mercury outboard decal identification guide mercury outboard decal identification guide 95 per download! If you have a dirty old paper copy of this manual or a PDF copy of this manual on your computer and it crashed we can help! For Sale.